If you're trying to save money on household repairs, does it make any sense to spend more than would initially seem to be necessary to fix what's broken? On the face of it, of course not, but sometimes the answer can be yes. This type of conundrum can often face you when it comes to replacing your air conditioning system. Why might your course of action be counterintuitive?
Systems in Harmony
A typical home is equipped with a furnace and a separate air conditioning system, which work together. Ordinarily, both of these systems are installed at approximately the same time, and this will definitely be the case if your house still has the original setup.
Either Or Both?
You may be faced with a situation where the air conditioning system needs to be replaced, as it's gone beyond the ability of a technician to cost-effectively repair it. While you know this is going to be an expenditure, perhaps it's a good idea for you to budget to replace the furnace as well. While a furnace can typically last somewhat longer than an air conditioning system before needing to be replaced, either one of them will start to lose a considerable amount of efficiency as it gets closer to such a time.
Check to see when each particular system was actually installed and figure out how far along the average lifespan each one is. Next, understand that you could save energy and money in the long run by replacing both systems in order to match them correctly.
How Matching Could Help
It's very unlikely that an old furnace will be able to work as efficiently as possible with a brand-new air conditioning system. In particular, you may not be able to utilise the same air handler for the two, which could increase installation costs and ongoing energy usage. When two systems are matched perfectly, they are designed so that wear and tear on parts is reduced, and they're also fitted with the same level of technology. It shouldn't be surprising if you don't get the maximum boost in energy efficiency if you only replace the A/C.
As you have to incur a certain amount of installation work and associated cost to replace your air conditioning unit, you may as well bite the bullet and replace the furnace as well. It will undoubtedly be less costly than having to install two separate systems, some time apart. You may be able to get a more attractive warranty too, if you replace the pair now.
Making Your Selection
Have a word with your system repair technician to see what they advise in your case.